Alot of changes will be taking place in my second home soon. Am I happy about it? Not really, but that’s because I don’t like change. And the changes have begun…with Space Mountain.

As I enjoyed some time on the “people mover” I noticed something odd as we came upon the Space Mountain portion. No deep voice announcement saying “Now Entering: Space Mountain.” Instead, just silence. Lights were on. Walls were up. All that was left were glimpses of the ride. Granted, this ride could use some updating. However, it is the first of many more, and much bigger changes to come.
I walked around Fantasy Land and thought about how different things will be in the next few years. Dumbo will be in a different spot. Who knows if the carousel will move. Fantasy Land represents my true love of Disney…and of course…my childhood!

Well now that I have vented and had my therapy lesson, I’ll move on.
I was in Disney last weekend enjoying a quick weekend trip to fill my “itch”, which included the Food and Wine festival in Epcot!
The day started with a trip to Magic Kingdom where I:
Went on the “people mover”, we covered this earlier
Walked right on to Buzz Lightyear, where I never do well, but its still fun
Headed over to the Haunted Mansion
Got excited when I saw a 5 minute wait for Thunder Mountain. Walked right onto the ride and as it ended and we pulled back into the station, I heard words I never have before and probably will never again “if you want to go again, just stay seated” Awesome-bonus round on big Thunder!
Saw Mr. Obama become a part of the Hall of Presidents
Ate a hot dog at Casey’s
Finished the afternoon with a delicious treat of Dole Whip
To think that Casey’s and Dole Whip would’ve been enough for the day, but alas, there was still eating and drinking around the world to be done!
My favorites this year included red wine from Greece and Lamb Sliders from New Zealand-yum! As I was almost done with my rounds and headed to Mexico, the rain started and I became trapped in Mexico as the downpour of an Orlando shower continued. I thought back to the days of my dad threatening to walk around the countries in the rain…never made sense…and yet here I was, in a country, in the rain.
The rain tricked us and let up for awhile, before drenching us 5 minutes later. Oh well, Florida rain for some reason is always better to me then any other rain. Or maybe its just the rain in Disney. Either way, you can’t beat Disney at night!
Sista Dillo