If you listened to the latest edition of
Theme Park Thursday with @DillosDiz, you know that we have purchased our tickets here in NYC and will be visiting the Mickey: The True Original Exhibition on Saturday November 17th, at 11:40am.
Yes, you do purchase tickets for such specific time frames.
We know that this is one day prior to #Mickeys90th but the availability might be a little tighter on the 18th. The podcastin plan would be to talk about the exhibition on the episode scheduled to be released on Thanksgiving, but we’re likely to release it sooner due to holiday travel… not ours, we want you to be listening on your car rides!
I’m personally looking forward to rewatching a lot of classic Mickey shorts between now and then, maybe a little Fantasia (Sister Dillo will tell you it’s a little too early to be watching Mickey’s Christmas Carol), and I wouldn’t be surprised if we discussed some of our favorites on the November 15th edition of Theme Park Thursday w/ @ DillosDiz.
If you’re in the tri-state area, we hope you consider coming out that Saturday morning to hang with us, talk about the Mouse, and discuss what new Hallmark Christmas movie will be debuting that evening while one of us (not me) covers her ears and says ‘la-la-la no Christmas until Thanksgiving night’.
Also, for those of you concerned for my well being during this, the month of October, aka my birthday month… well maybe – MAYBE – based on my suggestion to rebrand Holidays Around the World to fall in line with all the festivals… Maybe ‘Winter Festivals Around the World’???
No… no… anybody? Yeah, I know.